Sunday, November 23, 2008

Worst Drunk Driving Holidays Are....

As the holidays come near at we visit our share of holiday parties, we have been known to have more than a drink or two. Holidays, unfortunately have been known to factor into higher drunk driving accidents as people tend to drink and drive more than usual. 

If you are attending any parties please don't drive drunk. So what are the holidays where we see an increase in drunk driving accidents?

New Years Eve
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Independance Day

You can read more here.I think it has to do with the holidays ending on a three day weekend. What are you thoughts? If you are going to go to any parties this weekend or during the holidays, please don't drink and drive. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Heather Locklear gets Drunk!

She should be ashamed. We have another actress that was arrested for driving under the influence. When will these people learn. It's dangerous and you might severely injure someone when driving impaired.

She's probably going to need help defending her dui case in court. I'm sure she has more than enough for a good defender and she won't likely end up like Paris Hilton.

With some many stars getting arrested for driving under the influence, it's hard to think that they are getting any special treatment. That's a good thing and publicizes the penalties of drunk driving.

Please, think before you drive while impaired.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Canadian Police Officers face Drunk Driving Charges

Just goes to show you, nobody is immune to getting pulled over for drunk driving.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ignition Locks still act as deterrents for Drunk Driving

It looks like drunk drivers are having a bit of trouble with the key ignition locks. I agree that this is a good deterrent for those that have been drinking and are still trying to get in the car. Especially, if they have already fighting a current DUI. I also have an issue with the common sense aspect to this. If we have to put a lock on someone's ignition in order for them to drive drunk, this really goes beyond the issue doesn't it?

Ideally, you'd like to circumvent the issue itself. In this case it's the driver, not the car.

Boston Globe reports more on DUI ignition locks.

DUI Hollyood #1

Looks like Shia LeBeouf has been out drinking and driving.

Why getting a DUI will cost you thousands

Another good read on the costs of drunk driving. This is a pretty good article as it covers most of the costs that are associated with getting a DUI. 

It covers bail, towing, insurance, legal fees, fines, alcohol treatment, DMV and additional fees you're likely to incur once getting convicted of a DUI. All the more reason to make sure you properly represented.

Online DUI Defense

Thousand of drivers get pulled over every month in the United States. Don't be one of those that end up paying thousands, losing their license and staying in jail. Visit DUI Defense Online to find out how you can find the right DUI attorney to defend your rights.

DUI's are costly and you're likely to lose your shirt and then some if you don't seek proper representation.

Know your rights and what's available to you as soon as possible. Your friends and loved ones are depending on you.

9 DUI's Not Enough?

It seems that nine drunk driving offenses weren't enough for this guy. Honestly, how is this guy on the loose with more than five drunk driving offenses? 

10th DUI lands Lynwood man in prison

EVERETT, Wash. -- A 10th drunken driving conviction has landed a Lynnwood man a seven-year prison sentence. Apparently, this guy must think this is some sort of video game.

Snohomish County prosecutors say the rap sheet for 47-year-old Todd Olson also lists three convictions for hit-and-run and 14 for driving with a suspended license.